Press Release


本會曾於2021年度財政預算案公佈後,即時向醫管局致函描述醫院內的社會企業於疫情期間所面對的經營困難,並向其提出「延長醫院內社企租金寬減措施的期限」的請求;有幸於今天(3月26日)接獲醫管局的書面回覆,承諾將現有75%定額租金寬減的措施的期限由2021年3月延長至2021年9月30日,以提供持續性的支援。 對於醫管局的正面回覆以及安排,本會心存感激,還望此安排能幫助各社企在疫情期間繼續營運,服務更多市民大眾。 (下圖為醫管局有關延長租金寬減措施之回信)  

British Council Landscape Study

英國文化協會的研究報告已經刊登於英國文化協會網頁。 英國文化協會 英國文化協會  

British Council – Social Enterprise Landscape Research Report

社企總會跟英國文化協會,夢想成真,社聯SEBC和社企民間高峰會合作有關香港社企研究報告已於2月4日發報,詳情請按以下連結: british_council_hong_kong_social_enterprise_web_final

新冠疫情下社企業界營運狀況調查 (第三輪)

新冠疫情下社企業界營運狀況調查 (第三輪) 香港社會企業總會於2021年1月28日(星期四)舉行新聞發佈會,由本會會長吳宏增先生及外務副會長鍾偉成先生主持,就新型冠狀病毒第四波疫情影響下社企營運的情況發佈結果,並提出具體建議。 新冠疫情下社企業界營運狀況調查-新聞稿_20210128

Recommendations to Policy Address 2020-21

(Chinese Version Only)

Survey Report regarding to the needs of financial load from Social Enterprises

Under the COVID-19 epidemic, social enterprises in Hong Kong had been severely affected and some of them were even undergoing operation crises due to insufficient cash flow. Below were the results of a survey conducted by the HKGCSE in late March on the recent difficulties social enterprises encountered on bank loans and specific suggestions regarding…
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“Walk with SE against the epidemic” Press Conference

The press conference held by the HKGCSE on 2/3/2020 was hosted by the Chairman, Mr. Andy Ng and the external Vice Chairman, Mr. Chung Wai Shing. The survey results regarding the effects of COVID-19 on the operations of social enterprises in Hong Kong were released at the conference.   The results of the survey we…
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“Help the disadvantaged and safeguard their employment” – Survey on Social Enterprises’ operation

The press conference held by the HKGCSE on 2/12/2019 was hosted by the Chairman, Mr. Andy Ng and the external Vice Chairman, Mr. Chung Wai Shing. The survey results regarding the effects of recent economic and social conditions on the operations of social enterprises in Hong Kong were released at the conference.   The results…
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