M125-I 汗不白流健身室

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Blanc Fitness(汗不白流健身室)是一家致力於全民健身的社會企業。Blanc Fitness(汗不白流健身室)亦致力聘請更多更生人士,受訓後給予不同人士和受眾健康的指導。對於一眾老友記的退休人士,運動及健身不但可以維持身體健康,亦可幫助他們認識區內更多老友記朋友,聊天早聚,心靈也能更富足。針對老友記,我們會以社企價提供給老友記,讓他們學習健身,及宣揚天天運動的重要性,建立老人運動社區。我們亦會免費為他們做身體狀況查試,每季度和他們解釋報告,讓他們了解身體狀況。另外,我們亦有治療中心,會以成本價,幫老友記做物理治療,回饋他們對社會的貢獻。我們定期與不同社區團體合作,在我們的中心舉辦健康知識講座,邀請老人家來參與。

Blanc Fitness is a social enterprise dedicated to healthy life by national fitness. We are committed to recruiting more rehabilitated persons and get them trained to provide health guidance to individuals and audiences. For the retired members of the Friends, exercise and fitness not only can help maintain physical health, but also help them get to know more Friends in the area, chat and get together early, and enrich their souls.
For the elderly, we will provide them with discounted prices, allowing them to learn fitness, promote the importance of daily exercise, and establish a sports community for the elderly.
We also provide them with free physical examinations every quarter so that they can understand their health condition. In addition, we also have a treatment center that will provide physical therapy to our elderly friends at cost price to recognise their contributions to society.
We regularly collaborate with different community groups to hold health talks at our centres and invite the elderly to participate.