M008 St. James’ Settlement

2574 5201


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  1. 籽陽服務有限公司 Mustard Seed
  2. Green Ladies & Green Little (灣仔集成分店)
  3. Green Ladies & Green Little (荃灣南豐紗廠分店)
  4. Green Ladies & Green Little OUTLET (藍屋專賣店)

Founded by the Rt. Rev. Bishop R.O. Hall of the Anglican Church in 1949, St. James’ Settlement began as a club for boys and girls in a temple in Stone Nullah Lane, Wanchai. It was then developed into a six-storey building on Kennedy Road in 1963 to provide diversified services, including children and youth services, elderly services and rehabilitation services. In 1987, the headquarters was opened in Stone Nullah Lane so that the scope of services could be further extended. Our first centre outside Wanchai (named Central and Western District Elderly Community Centre) was established in 1990. Since then, different service centres have been developed and most of them are located along the north coast of Hong Kong Island, from The Belcher’s in Western to Hing Wah Estate in Chai Wan. In recent years, in view of the society’s ever changing needs, we have opened service centres in Kowloon and the New Territories. To date, our 85 service points are in operation across Hong Kong. By the end of September 2022, we have over 1,800 staff members to provide a vast range of high quality services for people of different ages and needs. In the past year, around 1,200 volunteers have helped in different service units.

In 2021-2022, St. James’ Settlement served more than 2.5 million person-times, and our target beneficiaries include children, teenagers, families, the elderly and people with disabilities. We provide a broad spectrum of services ranging from community support to residential care.

  1. 籽陽服務有限公司 Mustard Seed
  2. Green Ladies & Green Little (灣仔集成分店)
  3. Green Ladies & Green Little (荃灣南豐紗廠分店)
  4. Green Ladies & Green Little OUTLET (藍屋專賣店)

圣雅各福群会由圣公会何明华会督及热心人士于1949年创办,最初于石水渠街北帝庙的一个偏厅开始儿童工作(圣雅各儿童会),及至1963年在坚尼地道建成六层高会所,提供儿童及青少年服务、长者服务及复康服务。 1987年,本会位于石水渠街的总会大楼落成,服务更趋多元化。本会在1990年开办第一个湾仔区以外的服务单位(现称中西区长者地区中心),随后陆续在不同地区开拓新服务;单位主要分布于港岛北岸,从西环宝翠园至柴湾兴华村。近年,由于需求殷切,本会在九龙及新界亦设立不同服务。现时,福群会在全港有85个服务点;截至2022年9月,本会职员超过1,800人,为不同地区人士提供服务。另外,过去一年有近1,200位义工协助本会各单位的服务。

  1. 籽阳服务有限公司 Mustard Seed
  2. Green Ladies & Green Little (湾仔集成分店)
  3. Green Ladies & Green Little (荃湾南丰纱厂分店)
  4. Green Ladies & Green Little OUTLET (蓝屋专卖店)