
香港社會企業總會會員申請表格 Membership Application Form
  • 申請資料 Application Information
  • 申請程序 Application Procedure
HKGCSE was established in 2009 as one of the important platforms of social enterprises. HKGCSE actively promotes and supports the development of social enterprises, serves as a bridge between social enterprises and the government, business partners, academia and NGOs. HKGCSE strives to activate a favorable business environment for the growth of local social enterprises for better enhancement of an inclusive society.

本會使命 Mission of HKGCSE:
  • 營造社會正向影響力 Generates positive impact to the society
  • 促進社企與各界協作 Creates opportunity for collaboration
  • 支援及倡導社企發展 Supports and advocates the development of social enterprises
  • 培訓社企及提升效益 Educates social enterprises practitioners for better enhancement of efficiency

會員福利 Welfare: 
  • 定期宣傳會員社企 Promotion of social enterprises regularly
  • 優先參加本會活動 Priority of participation in our activities
  • 優惠價免費參加本會活動 Participation in our activities at a discount or free of charge
  • 參與友好團體活動 Participate in activities held by our partners
  • 社企員工可免費成為社企 Buddies Employees from GCSE member enjoy free membership as Social Enterprise Buddies
  • 優惠價或免費社企營運諮詢 Discount or free consultation on social enterprise operation
  • 享有理事會選舉權ˆ Vote in elections of council member ˆ
ˆ 只適用於基本會員 Full Only for Full Members
條款及細則 Terms & Conditions  

1. 會籍有效期 Validation of Membership
  • 會籍有效期為財政年度第一年的 4 月 1 日至第二年的 3 月 31 日,如不足一年則以半年作單位計算,會費將按比例收取。The effective period of membership is from April 1st of the first year of the fiscal year to March 31st of the second year. If it is less than one year, it will be counted in half a year, and the membership fee will be converted on a pro rata basis.
2. 如在三個月内沒有提交所需資料而被取消申請,則申請費用不會被退還。The application fee will not return if the supporting documents is not submitted within THREE months.
3. 香港社會企業總會擁有最終決定權。All matters and disputes are subject to the final decision of GCSE.

1. 申請資料 Application Information

2. 申請會員種類 Types of membership application

3. 會員服務 Use of Service

4. SEE Mark 認證會員 SEE Mark Endorsement member

香港社會企業總會於2014年推行首個為香港社企而設的認證系統,透過不同範疇評核社企,並認可其於設計、營運和提供服務方面的表現,從而令社企進一步發揮社會、經濟與環境的影響力,並提高大眾及投資者對社企的認可和光顧社企的信心。閣下可透過以下網站了解更多: https://seemark.hk/

5. 社企項目資料 Information of Social Enterprise Project(s)


申請程序 Application Procedure

  1. 填妥申請表格,提交補充文件(請根據申請所需文件列表) Complete the Application Form, submit the supporting documents(According to the list of required documents).
  2. 提交申請表格及將所需文件電郵至info@sechamber.hk或送交觀塘鴻圖道16號志成工業大廈12樓1205室 香港社會企業總會有限公司 Submit the Application Form and email  the required application documents to info@sechamber.hk or mail to Hong Kong General Chamber of Social Enterprises, RM1205, Houtex Industrial Building, 16 Hung To Road, Kwun Tong
  3. 本會於申請機構提供全部所需資料後才開始評審程序 An application will be processed only after all necessary information is obtained from the applicant
  4. 為增進對申請機構的認識,本會將會致電了解及安排職員與貴機構負責人會面 For a better understanding of the applicant, phone or/and face meeting will be arranged by the officers of the Council
  5. 會籍申請評審報告將提交本會的執行委員會考慮,執行委員會所出的決定為最終決定 Assessment reports will be submitted to the Working group committee of the Council for consideration. The decision made by the Council shall be final
  6. 一般而言,評審工作需要四至六星期的時間,實際時間視乎個別申請情況 Generally, it may take 4 to 6 weeks for completing the whole screening process, depending on the schedule of meeting of concerned committees.

申請所需文件 Required Documents

 必須提交以下 申請文件之副本 Please provide the below supporting documents