M012 东华三院

社企 Social Enterprises



  1. Enterprise Vegetable & Fruit Processing and Supply Service
  2. "Take a Break" Catering Service
  3. CookEasy Food Packs & Delivery Service
  4. CookEasy Production Centre
  5. Tai Kok Tsui Mrs Mc
  6. Versatile Care Service (New Territories North)
  7. Versatile Care Service (New Territories East)
  8. Prosperous Integrated Services
  9. WashEasy Dishware Cleaning Service
  10. iBakery (Kennedy Town)
  11. iBakery Gallery Café
  12. iBakery Express Tamar
  13. iBakery Production and Training Centre
  14. iBakery (Infinitus Plaza)
  15. iBakery (Sheung Wan)
  16. BiciLine Cycling Eco-tourism Social Enterprise
  17. U Deli (EdUHK)
  18. Rinato Eco Floral Shop
  19. Image Pro
  20. Tung Pak Healthcare Professional Referring Service
  21. Smiling HeART

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