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1) 專業攝影及影片製作。舉辦社區攝影活動,為弱勢社群、照顧者及其家庭創造親密時刻及製作相簿。
2) 攝影治療工作坊:工作坊由我們的註冊心理治療師或攝療導師設計/執行,包括照片及攝影覺察、心靈繪畫、自然治癒等等。
3) 創意及展能培訓班:連結不同的機構,啟發弱勢社群的天賦和潛能。
Our organisation is a social enterprise established based on the principles of “social innovation, inclusion, and care” and non-profit making purposes. We aim to help disadvantaged groups and their caregivers in society and promote social inclusion via photography, wellbeing workshops, and training classes etc. Our services include:
1) Professional photography and video production: Organising social photography campaigns, creating intimate moments and special photo albums for disadvantaged groups, caregivers and their families.
2) PhotoTherapy Workshop: Workshops are designed/conducted by our accredited psychotherapists or facilitators, which include mindful wellness via photos, painting, nature healing and more.
3) Creativity and development training classes: Connecting different organisations to help inspiring talents and potentials from disadvantaged groups.
1) 專業攝影及影片製作。舉辦社區攝影活動,為弱勢社群、照顧者及其家庭創造親密時刻及製作相簿。
2) 攝影治療工作坊:工作坊由我們的註冊心理治療師或攝療導師設計/執行,包括照片及攝影覺察、心靈繪畫、自然治癒等等。
3) 創意及展培訓班:連結不同的機構,啟發弱勢社群的天賦與潛能。