M087 The Hong Kong Society for the Deaf

2527 8969


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聰鳴茶座是香港聾人福利促進會屬下的社會企業,「聰鳴茶座」於 1995 年開業,為香港首間主要聘用聽障人士的社會企業。一方面為聽障人士提供在職培訓機會,為他們將來公開就業奠下基礎;另一方面建立「無障礙溝通」的共融環境,聽障員工與顧客可透過手語、身體語言、文字、圖畫等方法溝通,進一步實踐「聾健共融」的理念。

The Hong Kong Society for the Deaf is a non-profit making organization which aims to promote the well-being of the hearing impaired and seeks to ensure equalization of opportunities for hearing impaired persons. The Society aims to promote self-development, self-actualization and self-sufficiency among the hearing impaired persons so they could integrate into the society.

Deaf Cafeteria is a social enterprise under the Hong Kong Society for the Deaf. It opened in 1995 and was the first social enterprise in Hong Kong to primarily employ hearing-impaired individuals. On one hand, we provide on-the-job training opportunities for the hearing-impaired to lay a foundation for their future employment. On the other hand, we create an inclusive environment of “barrier-free communication”, where employees and customers can communicate through sign language, body language, text, pictures and so on, further promoting the concept of “inclusion of the deaf and hearing-impaired”.


聪鸣茶座是香港聋人福利促进会属下的社会企业,「聪鸣茶座」于 1995 年开业,为香港首间主要聘用听障人士的社会企业。一方面为听障人士提供在职培训机会,为他们将来公开就业奠下基础;另一方面建立「无障碍沟通」的共融环境,听障员工与顾客可透过手语、身体语言、文字、图画等方法沟通,进一步实践「聋健共融」的理念。
